Creating package structure

Command to create package structure:

sbt new scala/scalatest-example.g8

Then you have to cd into the directory and run tests by

sbt test

This will run the test suite CubeCalculatorTest with a single test called CubeCalculator.cube. Then you can transform the code to your need.

sbt commands


sbt compile


sbt run


sbt package

The jar is located in target/scala-X.XX/.


This will create a fat JAR of your project with all of its dependencies (

In project/plugins.sbt add

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0")

Setting up sbt version

In project/ change line into, for example,

sbt.version= 1.4.4

Setting up scala version

In build.sbt set up

scalaVersion := "2.13.4"

Updated: 2020-12-10